Thursday, 16 January 2014

Avamar Grabage collection troubleshooting

If your garbage collection stop working, you know you are in trouble. Your grid will eventually fill up, and die a slow and painfull death.
Use the following commands from the utility node to try and diagnose the problem:

dumpmaintlogs --types=gc --days=7
In case you see along the lines of "<4203> garbage collection skipped because backups in progres", please verify which nodes are allowed overtime, they are certainly creating problems.

Nodes that are allowed overtime can be seen with:
mccli client show --recursive=true --verbose=true | grep -v "No overtime allowed"

If you'd rather just have garbage collection kill the sessions preventing it from running, just type:
avmaint sched gc --ava --kill=300 --permanent

less /usr/local/avamar/var/cron/gc.log

Monday, 13 January 2014

Avamar - How to retrieve all of your grid's serial numbers

Sometimes, EMC support will contact you because your equipment dialed in, and need a part replaced. They will mention a node serial number, so if you have multiples sites like me, here is a useful command to retrieve your grid's serials:

Log in to the utility node:

#> su - admin
#> ssh-agent bash
#> ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid
#> mapall --noerror --user=root --nodes=all+ --quiet 'echo `hostname -i`": "`/usr/bin/ipmitool fru print 0 | grep "Product Asset Tag" | sed "s/^.*:\s\(.*$\)/\1/"`'

This will get you the node serial number only.
To get more extensive information, you can try this as well:
#> mapall --noerror --user=root --nodes=all+ --quiet 'echo `hostname -i`": "`/usr/bin/ipmitool fru print 0 " grep "Product Asset Tag" " sed "s/^.*:\s\(.*$\)/\1/"`'

(see solution esg111183 on emc support website)