Friday, 26 July 2013

1,23996,CLI failed to connect to MCS

I tried to install a remote MCCLI instance as I do not like to work directly from the utility node, and I kept getting this error and could not find the problem.

Support told me running MCCLI from a remote host was not supported (of course it is).

When I finally looked up the config file "/root/.avamardata/6.1.1-87/var/mc/cli_data/prefs/mcclimcs.xml"
I noticed I had the "mcsaddr" filed wrong.

Make sure you don't have any configuration problems...

Symcli on Linux

Having problems making symcli work in a Server/Client (remote server) model ?

Try the following:
  1. Do a clean reinstall: rpm -ef symcli-data-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-master-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-symcli-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-thincore-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-64bit-V7.5.0-0.x86_64 symcli-cert-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-base-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-symrecover-V7.5.0-0.i386 symcli-master-V7.5.0-0.i386
  2. Resinstall: #> tar xvzf se7500-Linux-i386-ni.tar.gz
  3. Then you have to use the supplied install script: #> ./
  4. Make sure /usr/emc/API/symapi/config/netcnfg is properly configured
  5. Make sure the connection name defined in the above file is exported as an environment variable on your shell: #> export SYMCLI_CONNECT=SYMAPI_SERVER (in that case "SYMCLI_CONNECT" is the name of the first field in the netcfg file.
  6. Restart the daemon: #> stordaemon shutdown storsrvd && stordaemon start storsrvd
  7. Make sure it's running: #>  /opt/emc/SYMCLI/bin/symcfg list -service
  8. Check that the logs are clean:  #> /opt/emc/SYMCLI/bin/stordaemon showlog storsrvd
  9. Check the currentlly running deamons: #> /opt/emc/SYMCLI/bin/stordaemon list (storapid, storwatchd and stordrvd should be running)
  10. Export your path: #>export PATH=$PATH:/opt/emc/SYMCLI
  11. Test your config: #> symcfg list
  12. In last resort, read the following file found on powerlink (when all else fail read the instructions): "Solution Enabler 7.X installation guide)
Good luck !

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

VMAX Device types

TDAT, or thin data device, is an internal LUN which is assigned to a thin pool. Each TDAT LUN is comprised of multiple physical drives configured to provide a specific data protection type. An example of a TDAT device might be a Raid-5(3+P)LUN.
Another common example would be a Raid–1 mirrored LUN. Multiple TDAT devices are assigned to a pool.  When creating a thin pool LUNs for presentation to a host the data is striped across all of the TDAT devices in the pool. The pool can be enlarged by adding devices and rebalancing data placement (background operations with no impact to the host).

Thin Devices (TDEVs):
They consume no disk space. These are only pointers residing in memory. Allocation is done in 768 KB increment (12 tracks) when they are "bound". It  is a host accessible(redundantlypresented to an FA port) back-end LUN device that is “bound” to a thin device pool (TDATs) for its capacity needs.
As stated above, a TDEV is a host presentable device that is striped across the back end TDAT devices. The stripe size is 768K.
Each TDEV is presented to an FA port for host server allocation When utilizing thin provisioning, Thin Pool LUNs are employed. The utilization of TDEVs is required to use EMC ®Fully Automated Storage Tiering Virtual Provisioning (FAST/VP features.

Meta Devices (aka Meta Volumes:
They allow to increase the size of device presented to a host. Symmetrix Device size maximum is 240 GB,

Data devices:
Non adressable Symmetrix private device. (Cannot be mapped to a front end port)
Provide space to thin devices.
You "add" data devices to thin pool, but you "bind" thin devices to a thin pool.

Avamar support

Here is a list of commands Avamar support use to diagnose a problem on the utility node:

ssh to a storage node:
ssn 0.8

Using /usr/local/avamar/var/probe.xml
ssh -x admin@  ''
su - admin
ssh-agent bash
ssh-add .ssh/dpnid

Send a command to each and every one of the storage nodes (mapall)
mapall --noerror 'grep -i "error" /var/log/messages*'

cd proactive_check/
head hc_results.txt
chmod +x
mccli event show --unack=true| grep Module

Bios version:
 mapall --noerror --all 'omreport system summary |grep -A4 BIOS'